Friday, March 25, 2011

It has been a long time Ladies!

I feel terrible I just had 3 wings and a biscuit from popeyes yall :-O There was nothing Fabulous, Fit, or Flirty about it but it was dang GOOD! I havnt had fast food in a long time so if im going to backslide at least it was rather tasty :0) O well I will hit the gym up tomorrow and do some double time to try and make up for my slip up. Sometimes it gets like that...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hey FF&F,

Can you believe it healthy eating almost killed someone!!! Have you ever heard of ORTHOREXIA? Who knew that we could take it this far! Lets make a pact not get this obsessed & remember we are Fabulous working on being Fit with a little Flirty on the side ;0)

I caught a segment of this earlier today and just had to find it to see the whole story...Watch the link below and give me some feedback!
Orthorexia: Obsession With Healthy Foods Leads to Eating Disorder - ABC News

p.s. feel free to let me know EARLY if im eating to many carrots and celery LOL! Maybe I need to pick up a honey bun every now and then just to stay on the safe side... SMH

Monday, March 22, 2010

Walk for Lupus Now 2010

The Lupus Foundation of America, Greater Washington Chapter
is dedicated to finding the causes of and cure for lupus and providing support and services to all people affected by lupus.

Thank you to all of you who have decided to help fight lupus. We cannot achieve our goals and spread the word of this disease without each and every one of you. Have fun at Walk for Lupus Now by joining the Walk or the four block mini-Walk for those who cannot walk 3K or 6K.

The 4th Annual DC Walk for Lupus Now - 2010. We will walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, NW starting at 13th street to 3rd street, and will return to 13th street. This route is not a full 5K--it is about 2 miles total so anyone wanting to walk 5K can do the route twice. We will also have a mini, four-block Walk. We will walk rain or shine! Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and walk starts at 9:30 a.m. 4/17/2010 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Support or Join Team "FABULOUS FIT & FLIRTY" by following the link below;


If you have not done so already, please join out team at

  • Create a profile
  • Search teams for FABULOUS FIT AND FLIRTY (location Washington DC)
  • Join our team
Dr. Ian K Smith, host the 50Million Pound Challenge site & offers some great resources. He has a Free 30 day meal plan that is great & equipped with a much needed grocery list.
There are online tools that help monitor your progress to include Journals, Activity and Weight Trackers, and News & Events page. Last but not least, is the My Team page and it helps to keep us motivated through team members success!

Let me know when you sign up so I can give u a shout out! :0)

Do you know someone else who would like to live a healthier lifestyle or needs support and motivation? If so, tell them about our Team and this Blog.
Sharing is Caring :0)

Fabulous Fit & Flirty

Welcome All to Fabulous Fit & Flirty!!

Lets support and encourage each other to, "Live Each Day Healthier Then Yesterday"! You pick your pace either baby steps or strides in the right direction. Lets set and reach our goals!

I know u all are tired of signing up for stuff with me (lol) but I promise that this will be less painful then the past. :0) I decided to take the blogger route to communicate with everyone. The 50Million Pound Challenge website is an awesome way to keep track of our progress and offers many valuable resources however, it is a little tricky when it comes to discussion and sharing information.

I envision that this BlogSpot will become a space where we can share everything from "FaBuLousNess", Fitness & Nutrition tips, to Flirty Empowerment!

So join up, Pass the word around, & Lets share resources!